Full and Empty Series

The collection “Full and Empty” is Karami's perspective on Iranian philosophy and wisdom. It's a perspective based on understanding through the eyes of the 'other,' the same perspective that Iranian mysticism has been seeking for centuries. This collection relies on seeing and intuition. We know that the root of the word 'seeing' is a past-tense stem and has been used with various meanings in ancient Persian literature, rooted in pre-Islamic Iranian literature. In particular, in texts remaining from the Pahlavi language, it is equivalent to perception, understanding, and reception. In Mohsen Karami's collection, the concept of 'seeing' is explored with its evolving and transforming meanings from pre-Islamic times to the present. Just as the evolved meaning of the verb 'seeing' is closely related to the past tense root 'saw', so too does this collection by Mohsen Karami reveal a development and unveiling of nothingness and colors.
Sohrab Ahmadi