Babak Haghi’s Solo Photo Exhibition in Collaboration with A Gallery

The Poetic of Water

The Poetic of Water

Mojdeh Art Gallery, in collaboration with A Gallery, held the sixth solo exhibition of Babak Haghi in the fall of 2021. Babak Haghi, photographer, lecturer, curator and printer, has collaborated with Mojdeh Art Gallery since 2017 and has been with the gallery in international activities. His works, which are generally a study on the way the body is present and its meaning in the individual and social life of today, this time in the collection of The Poetic of Water, they refer to the connection and coexistence of the body and the element of water.

In “The Poetic of Water” collection the human and non-human objects in conjunction with the four elements of water, wind, earth and fire are responsible for creating imagination and meaning. A meaning that is sometimes in the dominance of ascending images and in connection with immortality and sometimes in the dominance of descending images and clinging to the surface of the earth, controlled by linear time, mortal. The sum of these elements in the artist's imaginary world creates a network of signs whose metaphors and visual expressions are reflected in the elements left in nature, the extensity of light, light’s development on the surface, and the creation of various textures for color grading. In this

In this multiple landscape, the worlds of the visible and the invisible are brought closer by a horizon line and sometimes even go to the threshold of unification, and therefore it can be said that in this collection, the view is the result of living the landscape and becoming one with it.

Sohrab Ahmadi

  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /
  • نمایشگاه انفرادی عکس‌های بابک حقی با همکاری گالری آ «بوطیقای آب» /