
Kambiz Khodabandeh

Kambiz Khodabandeh

Kambiz Khodabandeh was born in 1973 in Tehran. He is a graduate of painting from Islamic Azad University and has held eight solo exhibitions of his works in Iran and Norway and participated in numerous group exhibitions. For five years, Khodabandeh taught courses related to painting in Maulana and Shariati universities. His main focus in his works is on utopias and he has done his research on this topic for his thesis. His scientific projects have also been created in the context of the city in the form of lasting murals. Khodabandeh painted his utopias with a simple and intimate expression and developed an intertextual relationship between New Art and Fauvism. Khudabandeh has placed his other collections under his Utopias collection and creates the details of his cities like portraits of people in transit and by creating each collection, he familiarizes his audience more with what is going on in his cities.

Saadat Afzood